Sunday, April 21, 2013

Jumping on the Bloglovin' bandwagon!

     Hey all! As you may or may not have heard, Google Friend Connect either is or is not going to be shut down July 1st/not July 1st but sometime in the near future. Seriously, the rumors surrounding this are crazypants and I tried searching Google for some kind of reliable information and keep coming up with squat. 
     Regardless, I know that a lot of people use Bloglovin' and so I checked it out, liked what I saw, and signed up. Now you can stalk my blog in a myriad of interesting ways! Yay! :) 

What do you all think? Do you have info/links from any reliable sources?

Return to the real world

     Man, life after vacation is tough! I had such a great time away, though, and I was so much fun to explore somewhere I had never been before. Now I have to catch up on everything I missed while I was gone!

     Hope you all had a good April, and I will return to regular posting a.s.a.p!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Hey all!

I'm going on vacation for a few weeks, so I will not be blogging during that time period. Two weeks is like a year in blogland, so I hope y'all don't forget me! I will also be avoiding Facebook, e-mail, my phone and all my real world responsibilities during this time period if that's any consolation. : )

Hope you all have a good few weeks! Read wonderful things!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday

     Hey!! It's Wednesday! Yay! I'm super excited because A. Wednesday means it's time for another Waiting on Wednesday and I get to float around to some of my favorite blogs and stalk their posts and B. It means I only have 5 days before I go on vacation. AHH! Sorry. I'm contained now, I swear.

Okay, so WoW. Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we get the chance to highlight an upcoming release that we're stoked for. Ready for mine? Sure you are!

The Dream Thieves
by Maggie Stiefvater
Publication Date: September 17, 2013 (so far away!!!)

     Now that the ley lines around Cabeswater have been woken, nothing for Ronan, Gansey, Blue and Adam will be the same. Ronan, for one, is falling more and more deeply into his dreams, and his dreams are intruding more and more into waking life. Meanwhile, some very sinister people are looking for some of the same pieces of the Cabeswater puzzle that Gansey is after.

     If you read my blog you know I have some seriously madlove for Maggie Stiefvater. I fell so deeply into the world of The Raven Boys and I absolutely CANNOT wait to read the sequel, which unfortunately doesn't come out for some time. Boo! : ( Totally worth the wait, though.

I've heard some mixed feelings about the cover, but I love it, and I loved the cover for The Raven Boys, too. I may have to break my self-imposed book buying ban and add this series to my library.

P.S If you want more info/extras/to heighten your anticipation for this release you can check out Maggie's website for this series. I spent a fair bit of time there myself. : ) There's playlists, a book trailer, teasers, etc.

SO! What are you all waiting on? Leave me links! I love links!