Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Teaser Tuesday

Ladies and...erm. Are there any gentlemen here? I dunno! Anyway, hey all! It's Tuesday again, and thus it's time for another Teaser Tuesday. I can tell your excited. I can just sense these things. So, in case you don't know, here's the deal with TT. It is a weekly meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading in which bloggers/readers/humans get to make you drool over what we're reading. Want to get involved?

*Grab your current read
*Flip to a random page
*Share two 'teaser' sentences from somewhere on that page (and be careful to avoid spoilers, because you don't want to be the person who ruins the book for someone else, right?)
*Share author and title so that other readers/bloggers/humans can check out the book if they'd like
Easy as pie! (I've made pie. It is not easy.)
Anyway, here's my TT's for this week! (Also holy crow how is it MARCH already? Sheesh!)

"He didn't think it missed her notice how his left hand  curved familiarly around the leather binding, how the thumb and finger on his right hand knew just how much pressure to apply to coax the pages to spread where he wanted them to. The journal and Gansey were clearly long-acquainted, and he wanted her to know."  Pg.205 The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

Do you guys have teasers to share? Leave me links!


  1. Ooh, nice one :)


  2. This should have gone on my Top Ten post of series I need to read, too! So many great books out there, who can keep up???

    Thanks for visiting and following my blog, and since you encourage stalking, I'll follow on Twitter, too. :)

    Stephanie (Go Flash Go) @ Read, Rinse, Repeat

    Here's my TT

  3. Nice teaser! I enjoy Stiefvater's writing and have heard great things sbout The Raven Boys. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Great teaser. I read this one awhile back, but wasn't really a fan of it. Hopefully you will enjoy it better than I did. Thanks for stopping by :)

  5. I just downloaded this book recently -- thanks for the teaser, may have to bump it higher up my list! Here's my TT post!

  6. I really, really, need to read this book soon! Awesome teaser!
    Thanks for stopping by Bookmunchies (:

  7. I'm trying to get my hands on this book. I like the tease!

    Thanks for stopping by!
    New follower ;)


Hi! I love comments! Also coffee, Super Mario, and jelly beans but that's not relevant. If you're a new follower let me know so I can follow back.

Thanks for stopping by!