Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Teaser Tuesday

Hey guys! It's Tuesday! That means its time for another Teaser Tuesday. This is a weekly meme hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading and is an opportunity for people to share a little snippet from their current read. Anybody can participate!

*Grab your current read
*Flip to a random page
*Share two 'teaser' sentences from anywhere on the page
*Avoid spoilers! Don't be that person who ruins a book for someone else!
*Share the title & author so that other readers can check out the book, too.

So, here's my TT for this week:

"And then, as if in slow motion, he was falling, in skydiver pose. I was perched safely at the top of the jungle gym and I saw Charlie hit the ground with an ominous thud."
                     Pg. 88 Lulu Dark Can See Through Walls
                                              by Bennett Madison

I've only just started this book but it's a girl-detective type novel about a girl who is not as wholesome as Nancy Drew (and not quite as badass as V. Mars, but then again who is?)

What are you all reading?


  1. I love the cover of this book! I live in MAINE!! I am forty-something and LOVE reading YA and NA books. Thanks for stopping by, sharing and becoming a follower. I followed you back!

  2. Nice tease! I love detective novels and with girls even more. ;)

    Here's our Teaser this week.

    Diana @ BookVenturers

  3. Sounds like a nice spunky kind of read! Love mysteries myself, but am picky about which ones I read. There's gotta be some kind of paranormal element to them and luckily I have plenty kinds of those to read!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Hmmm...sounds more like my kind of detective novel. Except, I didn't hear the best things about the author's newest release September Girls. I have it, but I haven't made the time for it yet. Have you read that one? Curious to see how they compare. Great teaser, and thanks for stopping by!

    1. I just finished this last night and I'm not sure how I feel about it. It was a super quick read and kinda light and fluffy, but the writing just didn't do it for me. It was sort of...lacking.

  5. Sounds like my type of novel! The cover is funny.

    mine: http://storytreasury.wordpress.com/2013/07/22/teaser-tuesday-replica/

  6. First of all, the title is awesomeee. Secondly, great teaser! This book sounds like a sweet detective novel. Will definitely have to check this out. Thanks for sharing & stopping by Bookmunchies (:

  7. Uh oh... that's gotta hurt. lol Thanks for sharing! :)

  8. Nice teaser; this sounds like a fun book! New follower!


Hi! I love comments! Also coffee, Super Mario, and jelly beans but that's not relevant. If you're a new follower let me know so I can follow back.

Thanks for stopping by!