Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday

Hey all! Wednesday is upon us once again, so that means it's time for Waiting on Wednesday. Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. Basically it's an opportunity to share a book whose arrival you're anxiously awaiting.

I always end up adding a ton of awesome books to my TBR list because of this meme! : )

This week my pick is:

The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White
Publication Date: September 10, 2013
Publisher: Harper Teen

I have read some seriously mixed reviews of this book, but I can't wait to get my hands on it. I love Kierstn White's writing, and I've been anticipating the release of this novel since before the cover art (beautiful, beautiful cover art!!) was released.

What are you all waiting on? Leave me links, the books on my TBR list could use some company! ; )

P.s I'm rewatching Charmed (Netflix!), and is it just me or did they change the theme music? They totally did the same thing to Dawson's Creek! WTH, world?


  1. I'm really excited for this one, too. I love mythology and am excited for something based on Egyptian mythology. Plus, that cover is just so stunning. Great pick! Thanks for stopping by! I'm following back via Bloglovin'. (I never watched Charmed so I can't comment on the theme music...)
    -Natalie @Natflix&Books

  2. Oooo, this lovely! I actually got it from Edelweiss a few months ago, but never read it (YET!). I'm officially into my September release eARC and ARC pile, so I'll be reading it shortly! Hope you like it when you get the chance to read it!

    New follower! Good luck with your blog! <3

    Check out my WoW post!

  3. Nice! Love the cover of this one! Can't decide if it's a read for me though. Loooved Kiersten's Paranormalcy trilogy but just cannot make up my mind on this one! Might have to wait for reviews.

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. The Cover for this one is so breathtaking. Come visit me as well here:

    Books of Love

  5. This is one of the most featured books! Seriously! I can't wait for the Eygptian mythology in this one! I can't say no to mythology!

    -Ariella @ Secrets of Lost Words

  6. I've never read anything by Kiersten White but I've been meaning to for so long. I'll definitely be adding this one to the list! I'm not that up on my mythology but I'm dying to branch into it more. That cover is gorgeous as well <3 thanks so much for sharing!


Hi! I love comments! Also coffee, Super Mario, and jelly beans but that's not relevant. If you're a new follower let me know so I can follow back.

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